Gospel of Matthew, chapter 2:2

Happy 2013! Welcome to a new year! This is a good time to reflect on the importance of Christ in our lives. Time stands still for no man. Christ’s message stands the test of time for it is “ever ancient and ever new,” and appeals to countless generations of people throughout history.

The God we believe in is a God we encounter in our history. That is why the church celebrates the different times and seasons of our lives in the liturgy. The church’s liturgy marks time so that we can get in touch with our God who orders all times and seasons to their end. As the new year unfolds, we pass from the time of Advent and Christmas to Ordinary Time. On this feast of the Epiphany, which means manifestation, we recall that all mankind are children of the light, recipients of great gifts which they are called upon to share.

This is the opportune time to celebrate this wonderful life that Jesus has given us. Now, right now, is the time to wake up to this reality. Now is the time to understand that time passes without permission but not without purpose. Now is the time to relish the purpose of our lives, to discover the intensity of God’s presence, the span of God’s goodness, and the breath of God’s love in Christ. We can make plans for the future or recall memories from the good old days, but the only time we have is the moment at hand. We are co-partners with God in the totally, unpredictable present moment. Think about it! The only time that is truly yours and mine is this time; right now, where we are. We are very good at preparing for the future; for a degree, for a career, for a house. But, are we as good at living? Are we good at being Christian?

The story of the Magi is a story of wise men who were alive to God’s intervention in time. They came seeking the light and found it in the Savior in Bethlehem and they brought Him gifts. They followed their inner voice; their star; and they were led to Jesus in the manger. In contrast to the Israelites, the Magi were Gentiles, not Jews, who came from afar to worship Jesus. The good news of Jesus must be brought to everyone-Jews and Gentiles alike and to peoples of every race and nation throughout the world.

The society we live in today is a fragmented society. It does not possess a common center that can draw people together. It is a mixed bag of conflicting organizations and groups with diametrically opposed interests whether they be Republicans or Democrats; Conservatives or Liberals; Atheists or Agnostics. The only thing they all have in common, it seems, is money. They have no common purpose.

The story of the Magi is the story of wise men or people of good will everywhere seeking the light. This journey led them to Bethlehem where Jesus, the light of the world, was born. His message still continues to appeal to all people of good will everywhere, who follow Him. His message is a message with purpose for everyone.

What an Epiphany!

Fr. Hugh Duffy