Gospel of John, chapter 17:13

People are always seeking happiness. It is our nature. We have needs, and that which will satisfy those needs is what makes us happy. The very word happiness which we so often use means that which will satisfy our desires. Sometimes, we mistakenly seek the wrong things because we think they will make us happy. Sometimes, we mistakenly follow the wrong person because we think he/she has the solution for our needs or desires.

Jesus must have been a very happy man. We can make this assertion, not only because we know He is the Son of God, but because people would not leave Him alone. We are told He often had to slip away to be alone to pray and rest. People keep flocking to Him from all sides. The moment Jesus began His public ministry; peace and quiet were not to be His. Perhaps if we knew about His hidden life in Nazareth, it is possible that we would find that He was often sought out there also. Happiness is contagious and happy people draw other people to them like a magnet. Jesus was the most magnetic, and happy person who ever lived. He was a man for others.

This can give us an insight into ourselves. If others sense we are happy, they will seek us out. If they leave us alone all the time, maybe we should start wondering why. People need people, and people are always drawn to happy people.

In any event, we know Jesus has the recipe for a happy life. He and He alone is the bearer of the good news of the Gospel. If you find yourself not seeking Him out, you can be sure that there is something wrong with you.

St. Augustine tells us that happiness consists in two things – having the right desires; and having the power to achieve those desires.

Jesus imparts the right desires in the good news of the Gospel; and He gives us the power to achieve those desires through the Holy Spirit.

Fr. Hugh Duffy