The Gospel of Luke, chapter 15:7

Throughout his life and ministry, Jesus reaches out compassionately to sinners, such as Mary Magdalene, a prostitute; Zaccheus, a despised tax-collector; and a heretical, Samaritan woman. He did not show the same sympathy for the Scribes and Pharisees because they thought they were perfect; they thought they were without sin. And, because of their self—righteousness, they condemned others and shut them out of the Lord’s Kingdom.

No one is without sin. Jesus came to save sinners not the righteous. When someone recognizes his or her sin and repents, the Lord declares: there will be “joy in heaven.”

Do not be afraid to acknowledge where you have gone wrong; or what sins you have committed. Catholics enjoy the beautiful privilege of confession to wash away sins through the gift of absolution.
Repentance for sins we have committed is necessary for reconciliation.

Fr. Hugh Duffy