In challenging times like these, it is important to be hopeful and to move forward confidently. Do what you have to do, but do it one thing at a time.

Don’t think about the future or what tomorrow might bring. Tomorrow will take care of itself (Matthew 6:34).

Fix your mind on the present moment and do not worry for each day has enough troubles of its own (Luke 12:22).

Adopt a meaningful routine each day:

Prepare your meals, wash the dishes, clean the table, make the bed, sweep the floor, and walk your pet.

Be solicitous of others and of yourself. Remember, we are social beings even if we have to practice social distancing:

Comfort your neighbor, make that phone call, go for a walk, read a good book, and avoid bad news.

You see, by doing these little things you are advancing one step at a time.

Be sure to stop and “rest awhile” to renew your soul (Mark 6:31). Nourish your mind with wholesome thoughts which are as important as the things you do. Meditate in the morning or at noontime or in the evening before you go to sleep. This will fill you up, and inspire you to live your life with purpose.

Always take that one step, and then another. You’ll hardly notice until your daily steps are as natural and graceful as the morning dew.

In time, you’ll even be able to think about the future without crying.

—Fr. Hugh Duffy