The Gospel of Matthew, chapter 8:2-3

The leper whom Jesus heals in today’s gospel story was a man of great faith. He knew that Jesus could heal him; he knew that Jesus could make him clean. But he did not stand idly by when he saw Jesus; he did something about his uncleanliness. He struggled through a large crowd of people to approach Jesus personally and boldly declared: “Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.”

Jesus rewarded his faith and responded:
“I will do it. Be made clean.”
But, that is not all there is to this story. The Lord asked the leper to show himself “to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses prescribed.” The leper needed to show his gratitude for the gift of healing by making an offering to the Church.

Are you like the leper in today’s gospel story? Are you grateful for the healing power of Christ? You may not have been healed of a severe illness or bodily disfigurement, but have you not been healed of sin? Have you not received a new life in Christ? Jesus is asking you today to be grateful for His awesome gift of healing. He does not want you to be ungrateful like the nine lepers in the gospel story, who did not return to say, “thanks.” Thanks is a beautiful word. In the original Anglo Saxon, it means grace like ‘gracias’ in Spanish. Do not be afraid to use it as often as you can; do not let it get stuck in your throat. Set it free.

The Lord has commissioned his followers to share his good news with all people. Do not stand idly by, but let other people see what the Lord has done for you. Show them by your good deeds what the Lord, in his mercy, has done for you and be sure to thank others for their goodness and kindness.

Fr. Hugh Duffy