In this troubled world in which we live, it is good to be reminded of life’s good purpose.

The following poem by Alfred Austin, poet laureate of England, seems to say it all.

Today’s music video just came out a few days ago, and it celebrates the joy of living and

human companionship, inspired by psalm 133.

— Fr. Hugh Duffy

Is life worth living?

Yes, so long as there is wrong to right,

Wail of the weak against the strong,

Or tyranny to fight.

Long as there lingers gloom to chase,

Or streaming tears to dry,

One kindred woe, one sorrowing face

That smiles as we draw nigh;

Long as a tale of anguish swells the heart

and lids grow wet,

And at the sound of Christmas bells

We pardon and forget;

So long as Faith and Freedom reigns,

And loyal Hope survives,

And gracious Charity remains

To leaven lowly lives;

While there is one untrodden tract

For Intellect or Will,

And men are free to think and act

Life is worth living still.”

—Alfred Austin.