Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gospel of Matthew, chapter 17:20

On Christmas morning, my little boy asked me what I was giving the Baby Jesus for His birthday. I was crushed as I had nothing. I had not baked our customary birthday cake for baby Jesus, nor had we stored up our good deed to fill the manger with straw, like in years past. I felt bad but the look on my son’s face told me he felt worse. The next thing out of my mouth surprised even me.

“I know,” I said impulsively, “I am giving Baby Jesus my smoking habit. The whole thing: the cigarettes, the lighters, the cravings, the crabbiness, the ashtrays both dirty and clean, everything about smoking are what I am giving to Baby Jesus.”

He was delighted and ran to tell his sister. They were filled with such joy while I sat stunned at what I had just done. I was obsessed with cigarettes yet I had just told my son that I was giving up smoking as a gift to the Baby Jesus. Was I nuts? Could I do it? I needed a miracle. “Look Jesus,” I prayed. “I am sorry for jumping the gun, but I made this promise to my child. Now I need you to help me keep it.”

Suddenly I was filled with a deep sense of sureness. The kids and I had a ball going from room to room collecting everything to do with cigarettes. There were packs hidden everywhere – five in the freezer alone. We took the cigarettes, lighters, and ashtrays and either gave or threw them away. Then I went from room to room taking down curtains and cleaning them. I washed walls, ceilings, clothing and everything I could find, from Christmas morning until well into the new year.

Each time I saw a smoker, I privately thanked God for taking away my habit, Then, I asked Him to do the same for them. I do that to this day. It has been nine years and I have never has so much as a single craving.

That was the year of my Christmas miracle and it changed my life completely. I learned that when we step out in faith everything is possible with God. I saw firsthand what Jesus meant when He spoke about having faith the size of a mustard seed.

I gave up smoking as a gift to Baby Jesus, but in turn it was a gift He gave to me.

Dani D’ Angelo
Works at Hebron House of Hospitality, Wisconsin