The Gospel of Matthew, chapter 11:4-6

The third Sunday of advent is called, Gaudete Sunday; that is, Joyful Sunday. Christmas looms even closer and anticipation intensifies as we count off the days. We can hardly wait; we are excited, perhaps edgy as we make final preparations for the celebration of Christmas-only a baker’s dozen of days away.

This Sunday is called Joyful for the church pauses to savor the coming of the Lord. We need to be reminded of what Christmas means and what it requires of us. It is a Joyful time for we celebrate the birthday of Jesus.

Christmas is filled with abundance and it looks very inviting, especially to children. But Christmas costs us something, not just financially but spiritually. The prophet Isaiah speaks of the wonders of the Lord (Isaiah 35/1-6), but he also speaks to a weary people who must face the daunting task of rebuilding a new life. Isaiah describes the fullness of the coming of the Lord and he talks of a time of healing of body and spirit. ’Joyful Sunday’ invites us to be refreshed in body and spirit and savor the inner meaning and spirit of Christmas.

This Joyful message is found throughout today‘s Gospel. In Jesus, the fullness of God and the gift of new life have come to pass. We know the reign of God is here when the human spirit breathes free; when the shackles of fear are broken; when the shadows of sin melt; when the weak are strengthened; when hearts are healed; when and the desert of the human spirit blooms. The real joy of Christmas doesn’t happen to us. It happens in us. It comes about slowly but surely when we open our hearts to the God news of the Gospel.

Today; being ‘Gaudete Sunday’ (Joyful Sunday), is a time to reflect on the meaning of Christmas. Let us pray that the joy of Christmas runs deep in our souls and that it will spill over into our celebrations on Christmas Day.

Fr. Hugh Duffy