Gospel of Mark, chapter 1:3

In Minnesota, I’m told, there are but two seasons: Winter and Road-Repair. During the season of Road-Repair, patience is not a virtue; it is a fact of life. Minnesotans may not relish the season of Road-Repair, but they know that it is absolutely essential to prepare them for the winter. Unless the potholes are filled in, the bridges reinforced, the roads seal-coated, the overpasses repaved, the way from hither to yon is virtually impossible.

This season of advent is a lot like the season of Road-Repair for Minnesotans. Advent is a time of getting ready for our favorite season, Christmastide. It is a time that builds up and reinforces our patience. Like the season of Road-Repair, Advent makes clear that you cannot get from here to there unless you take the time for some life-style repair.

The scriptures remind us constantly that we need to engage in serious life-style reconditioning. We must ready ourselves for the coming of Christ at Christmas. We must straighten out our crookedness; plane away our rough edges; broaden our narrow-mindedness; fill in our gaps with grace. Then we will be ready for Christmas. The kingdom that Christ ushers in with His coming at Christmas is a spiritual kingdom. Now is the time to renew ourselves with the good news of His coming.

John the Baptist made ready the way of the Lord. He proclaimed “a baptism of repentance which led to the forgiveness of sins.” He also pointed the people towards a special time of grace when they could be baptized in the “Holy Spirit.” This special time of grace is what we celebrate with the coming of Christ at Christmas.

In the meantime, get ready.

Fr. Hugh Duffy