Gospel of John 21:19

The vocation of every Christian is to follow Jesus. By this, will people know that you are a true disciple.

The words, “Follow Me” in the gospel of John 21 : 19 were spoken by Jesus to Simon Peter after He asked him three times if he loved him. Simon Peter was not perfect. He loved Jesus but he had also denied Him three times before His crucifixion. Now, Jesus turns a bad situation into a good one. He rehabilitates Peter to his former relationship, not by recriminations but by Love. And, Peter would go on to prove his love for the Lord by laying down his life for Him.

Christianity is a way of life, it is an extraordinary love-affair rather that an ideology. This is something Pope Francis likes to emphasize. He is a pastoral Pope, in the tradition of the Second Vatican Council which emphasizes the following of Christ over inane recriminations or disputations that divide rather than unite.

Jesus first called simple fishermen to follow Him. These fishermen abandoned their nets and old lifestyles to follow the good news of Jesus’s gospel. They put up with persecution, opposition, imprisonment, slander and much suffering in the exercise of their calling, but throughout their trials they remained faithful to Christ. Responding to that call was difficult for them back then just as it is difficult for us today. But, they did it lovingly, and people, especially their enemies, took notice.

Like the early disciples, we may be led where we do not want to go. We will, like them, stumble like children who have much to learn. But, the good news is that God has our back. He is always there, in good times and in bad, urging us along, teaching us, seeking us out and sometimes catching us out whenever we tend to stray from the path.

We are a privileged people to be called to follow Jesus who blesses us in our journey through life with His gifts of faith, hope and love. Faith in Him provides us with meaning; hope in Him provides us with purpose; and love of Him shows us the way. He is the Way ( Love ), the Truth ( Faith ), and the Life ( hope ) all wrapped up in one.

What more can anyone ask for in this life!

—Fr. Hugh Duffy