Gospel of Matthew, chapter 2:2

Happy 2016. Welcome to a new year! Let us reflect on the importance of new times and seasons in our lives. Everything is in a state of flux; time stands still for no man. Yet, there is nothing new under the sun; only different manifestations of what was always there, but which many are unable to see or appreciate at the time.

The God we believe in is a God we encounter in our history, in our time. In time we encounter God, and in time God encounters us. That is why we celebrate the different times and seasons of our lives in the calendar and in the liturgy. The church’s liturgy marks time so that we can get in touch with our God who orders not only all things, but all times and seasons as well.

As the new year unfolds, we pass from the time of Advent and Christmas to Ordinary time. On this feast of the Epiphany, which means manifestation, we recall we are children of the light, recipients of great gifts which we are called upon to share. Over the next seven weeks of Ordinary Time we take time to delve deeper into the treasure we possess.

We are given an opportune time to celebrate this wonderful life that God has given us. Now, right now, is the time to wake up to this reality. As the song goes, “the best of times is now.” Now is the time to understand that time passes without permission but not without purpose. Now is the time to relish the purpose of our time, to discover the intensity of God’s presence, the span of God’s goodness, and the breath of God’s love.

We can make plans for the future or recall memories from the good old days, but the only time we have is the moment at hand. Like everyone else in the world, we are co-partners with God in the totally unpredictable present moment. Think abut it! The only time that is truly yours and mine is this time; right now, where we are. We are very good at preparing for the future; for a degree, for a career, for a house. But, are we as good at living? There are many wonderful arts that uplift the human spirit, inspire us and keep us going. Arts such as music, poetry, song, dance, architecture, painting, drama, and ballet. But, the greatest art of all is the art of living which improves the quality of the day, creates harmony in our lives, and brings to the fore the transforming power of love. During the New Year, make time to improve the quality of your life, make time for your friends, and be a friend to anyone who has no friends. Time spent like this is never a waste of time, It is of the essence.

The story of the Magi is a story about wise men who were alive to God’s intervention in time. They came to see the Savior, were guided by the star of their conscience, and, when they found him, they brought Him gifts. They were driven by the gift of faith even though they were pagans and did not possess the beliefs of Jews like Herod who plotted to kill the Savior. God works in strange ways.

May He surprise you with his joy as you experience His awesome presence during the New Year.

Fr. Hugh Duffy
