–Gospel of Matthew, chapter 11:28

Today’s scripture addresses the need to let the Lord into our lives. There is a beautiful painting by one of the Masters that depicts Jesus outside a door knocking, lantern in hand. There is no keyhole or handle on the door, but Jesus keeps on knocking. The message is clear: the door can only be opened from the inside, and you and I hold the key. Let Him in!

God works differently in the lives of each person. This difference may bring with it some of the most painful challenges in our lives. When a wife or husband discovers God in new and delightful ways, he or she may have to wait years for the other partner to catch up with the discovery. These years of waiting can be filled with suffering, misunderstanding and pain. Only a profound love of God and his or her mate makes it possible to go on without badgering or taking it out on the other.

Parents often face the same problem when they find God in their lives. They can be frustrated by their own children’s inability to understand, to listen up, to taste the goodness of the Lord. A parish priest often experiences the same frustration with his own parishioners. Sometimes he must wait ten or twenty years, if he’s lucky enough to be assigned to a parish that long, before they catch on; before they finally see the light. Being patient, not taking yourself too seriously, and letting God do His work in your life in His own good time is a lesson we all must learn. But, waiting patiently and gently for God to come into our lives and into the lives of those we love is a source of great joy.

Have you noticed how different were the personalities of the apostles? These men of faith were very different. But, their personalities did not prevent them from letting the Lord work through them. Our personalities do not make us saints. What makes us holy is learning to live with the personalities God gave us and letting Christ into our lives.

Why not take the risk and let Christ into your life? You will feel refreshed, and the burden of following Him will be light. Open your heart to His presence in the little things: a helping hand to someone in need, a smile to the person next door, a word of encouragement or a kind word to someone who is struggling to get by in life. And, don’t forget to have fun with your friends and loved ones for the Lord loves a cheerful giver.

This is why the Lord encourages us and says to us in today’s scripture: “Come to me all of you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Fr. Hugh Duffy